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Web Application Security

EduTree is specialized in performing comprehensive application security testing for the web applications.

Our application security services are designed to be most efficient and wholesome so as to suit the customized needs of your organization. 

Web application security, is a branch of Information Security that deals specifically with security of websitesweb applications and web services. At a high level, Web application security draws on the principles of application security but applies them specifically to Internet and Web systems.

Security threats

With the emergence of Web 2.0, increased information sharing through social networking and increasing business adoption of the Webase a means of doing business and delivering service, websites are often attacked directly. Hackers either seek to compromise the corporate network or the end-users accessing the website by subjecting them to drive-by downloading.

As a result, industry is paying increased attention to the security of the web applications themselves in addition to the security of the underlying computer network and operating systems.

The majority of web application attacks occur through cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection attacks[6] which typically result from flawed coding, and failure to sanitize input to and output from the web application. These are ranked in the 2009 CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors.

Phishing is another common threat to the Web application and global losses from this type of attack in 2012 were estimated at $1.5 billion

Best Practices Recommendation

Secure web application development should be enhanced by applying security checkpoints and techniques at early stages of development as well as throughout the software development lifecycle. Special emphasis should be applied to the coding phase of development. Security mechanisms that should be used include, threat modeling, risk analysis, static analysis, digital signature, among others

Security standards

OWASP is the emerging standards body for Web application security. In particular they have published the OWASP Top 10 which describes in detail the major threats against web applications. The Web Application Security Consortium (WASC) has created the Web Hacking Incident Database (WHID) and also produced open source best practice documents on web application security. The WHID became an OWASP project in February 2014.

EduTree Security technology

While security is fundamentally based on people and processes, there are a number of technical solutions to consider when designing, building and testing secure web applications. At a high level, these solutions include:


  • Identify design flaws and improve the security of your application at the development level.

  • Determine if client software may be manipulated to provide unauthorized access.

  • Identifies specific risks to the organization and provides detailed recommendations to mitigate them.

  • Supports user confidence in application security.

  • Helps prevent application downtime and improve productivity.

  • Protect your organization’s information assets and reputation.

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